
當前位置:網(wǎng)站首頁產(chǎn)品展示防靜電產(chǎn)品塵埃粒子計數(shù)器 > KS-41B日本理音RION KS-41B液體粒子計數(shù)器
日本理音RION KS-41B液體粒子計數(shù)器

日本理音RION KS-41B液體粒子計數(shù)器

簡要描述:日本理音RION KS-41B液體粒子計數(shù)器
Measures 0.1µm Particles in Photoresist, SOG and other solutions
0.07µm as Option(For measuring clear solutions such as UPW)

產(chǎn)品型號: KS-41B




日本理音RION KS-41B液體粒子計數(shù)器   產(chǎn)地:日本

Measures 0.1µm Particles in Photoresist, SOG and other solutions 
0.07µm as Option(For measuring clear solutions such as UPW) 

< Specification >


Optical systemLight-scattering method
Light sourceDiode pumped solid state laser (wavelength 532 nm, rated output 500 mW)
Materials of parts exposed to sampleSynthetic quartz, PFA
Size range1 to 10 channels (Setting range 0.1µm to 0.5µm)
Sample flow rate5 mL/min
Counting efficiency50±10 %
Maximum particle number concentration48 000 particles/mL (at 10 % coincidence loss for 0.1µm particles)
PowerDC12 V (supplied by KE-40B1)
Dimensions and weight164 (H) x 464 (W) x 320 (D) mm (excluding protruding parts), Approx. 12.5 kg


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